Loneliness is an issue that can affect the physical and mental wellbeing of people of all ages. Many of us will have experience some version of this for some time period in our lives and come out the other side. It is 100% a normal to experience periods of disconnection and desire for companionship when its not there. We live in fast paces, avatar promoting, Tiktok fuelled world. With so many of us online, our connections can become fragile or surface level.
Real connections are needed to, not just, dismantle the loneliness symptoms but also improve your overall mental health and wellbeing.

If you, or someone you know is feeling lonely here are 5 way to deal...
Making new connections is arguably the most obvious way to combat loneliness, but it can really help. Joining a group or class you are interested in will increase your chances of meeting like-minded people to make friends with. For example, joining an exercise club (rollerskating perhaps?) is a great way to socialise and can give your mental health a boost. There are also meet up online and in person for pretty much EVERYTHING you could desire to do these days!
Be more open. If you have a fairly big social circle but don't feel truly close to any of them, the underlying issue may be that you need to open up more. Letting your friend or acquaintance in on your vulnerability or honest opinion can help to deepen your connection with them.
Stop comparing yourself with others. The desire to ‘keep up with the Joneses' is not a new one, however the rise of social media has exacerbated the problem by giving people the chance to constantly compare themselves with their peers. If you’re already feeling lonely, the idea that everyone else’s life is more idyllic than yours can make you feel even more isolated and alone. This can lead us to ‘compare and despair’ – which only exacerbates our negative experiences. Remind yourself that people only share what they want others to see about their lives. Don’t form unrealistic expectations about life and friendships based on what you see online.
Keep all lines of communication open. Having a chat with a friend or relative over the phone can be the next best thing to being with them. Or you can stay connected with loved ones online. Talk over Skype, exchange photos and keep up to date with the latest news from friends and family on social media or by email.
Helping others is also a popular route to meet people, improve your mental health and do good for wider society. You'll not only give something back to your community, but it will also help you to feel more connected, involved and needed. There are lots of volunteering roles that need your skills and experience.
Have you battled loneliness or depression? What are you tried and true ways to combat the negative emotional discourse? Share in the comments...
As you know we are a holistic wellness and alternative play based fitness company. Our mission is to give you the building blocks for a more balance and joyful life through community, movement and play.
Looking for more ways to connect? Join us in Portugal, for our Surf & Roller Skate Gathering, this 30th June to 5th July, to do just that.

With love xoxo Joy
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