The UK's only skate park built in a chapel!

Our resident ramps skaters, @hoophustleflow and @theycallmeslobo, had the pleasure of attending a very special Halloween edition of QUADSTAKEOVERLONDON a group focused on organising meet ups for quad skaters in and around London. The meet up took place at the megalith of a skate park, skaterham - large in size with an indoor and an outdoor area, upstairs seating and multi-levels of ramps, it was an experience they will not soon forget.
Here is what they thought:
He said:
Visually appealing
Bright & colourful
Enjoyed the multi level ramps spanning from baby beginners through to advanced vert ramp in the back.
No Likey
All ramp access is one way so can be a bit of a wait to get through to the area you want to skate - as you are waiting to cross.
What She said
The artwork and repurposed use of the church. Super cool.
The mega foam pit (which she didn't enter) was inspiring and a defo must try
EPIC Vert ramp - also single use ramp, not connected to others so you could have a good go about.. also she fancies herself after Estrojen and is dying to catch airs some day!
No Likey
No where to sit and chill for a moment btw runs downstair - only seating is upstairs, on skates this trek is not fun on repeat
How fucking far it is from London - no jokes you have to commit
Its’s a bit small for mixed groups and levels. Better for private events such as this one where you know each other - if you didn’t know each other then it would be really hard to skate the shared multi level area with prolonged amount of ramp time.
Not used to yet
* long space between pipes so inexperienced skates may loose steam in between front and back pump
Their Final say
We would definitely go again. Worth the travel for an beg/intermediate ramp skater
We had the BEST time with the QuadstakeoverLondon crew and all the participants at the event, everyone was warm and friendly, great costumes and fun prizes.. Joy even received her prize from the last meet up skate jump contest.. If you haven't gone to one of their events yet, get involved when we are out of Lockdown.
